& Funeral Guidelines

Baptism is the gateway to life in the Spirit.
Baptisms are celebrated on the First and Third Saturdays of the month, apart from August, at 12.00 Noon in St Margaret’s Church.
If you wish to have your child baptised, one of the parents must be a baptised Catholic and present a Certificate or proof of their own Baptism. Parents should attend the Parish Priest’s Surgery on a Monday evening between 5.30 and 6.30 in the Parish Centre to obtain a Baptism Form.
God Parents must be Catholics. Baptised Christians of other denominations are welcome to stand alongside God Parents, as a Christian Witness.
Parents are asked to attend the Baptism Preparation session, which are held monthly at 10.30 on the Second Saturday of the month in the Parish Centre. This is a one-off meeting on the meaning of Baptism and the duties of Parents in bringing up their children in the Catholic faith. God Parents are welcome to attend.
If you have any questions, then please come along to the Parish Priest’s Surgery.
Confirmation Programme Registration 2023/2024 4th December 6.30pm Parish Centre (Please bring Baptism and Communion Certificate)
Understanding the spiritual and material realities of life
Confirmation is the gift of the Holy Spirit, freely given to those who wish to receive it.
Those young people who wish to learn about what it means to be confirmed are invited with their parents to a meeting on in late November in the Parish Centre to register their interest in being confirmed
Confirmation preparation is in two parts. The first part aims to help a young person to be free and open in their decision to confirm their Catholic Faith, the second part helps to prepare them to receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
The minimum age for confirmation is 15 years at the date of confirmation, which will be on Pentecost Sunday.

First Holy Communion Programme | Registraiton 2023\2024
Saturday 14th October at 11.ooam Parish Centre
This is for Children in St Helens School and the Parish Group
In the Eucharist, we experience the privileged encounter of receiving Jesus Christ.
Parents are invited to present their Children for First Holy Communion for this coming year.
Children attending St Helen’s School will receive their preparation in School.
Children attending non-Catholic Schools will receive their preparation in the Parish Group that meets on a Saturday morning at 10.00 in the Parish Centre.
Registration for both groups will take place at a meeting, to be held on September each year in the Parish Centre. Details will be given in the Parish Newsletter
Please bring with you a copy of your child’s Baptism Certificate. Registration forms will be given out at the meeting.
The minimum age for children making their First Holy Communion is 7 – 8 years, Year 3 in school.

Reconciliation (Confession)
Confession is an act of honesty and courage - an act of entrusting ourselves, beyond sin, to the mercy of a loving and forgiving God. So, go to your confessor; open your heart to him; display to him all the recesses of your soul; take the advice that he will give you with the utmost humility and simplicity. For God, Who has an infinite love for obedience, frequently renders profitable the counsels we take from others, but especially from those who are the guides of our souls.
Anointing of the Sick
The anointing of the sick brings spiritual and physical strength to the ill and dying.
The Anointing of the Sick can be administered at church, in hospital or at home. If you or one of your loved ones is seriously ill, please contact us about receiving this sacrament and a priest will respond quickly to your request.
If you or a member of your family is in hospital and you would like them to receive Holy Communion and the Anointing of the Sick, please let us know. If you or a member of your family have become housebound, and would like to receive Holy Communion at home on a regular basis, please let us know.
If a loved one is in hospital and is seriously ill, speak to the Nurse and ask them to Bleep the Duty Catholic Chaplain.
In the event of any emergencies, please call at any time.

In marriage, a man and a woman become one flesh and belong to one another.
If you are planning to get married in the near future congratulations! Please get in touch with one of the priests as soon as you have a date in mind. If you are planning to get married abroad get in touch as soon as possible.
Six months’ notice is required in order to prepare you and get together the paperwork which sometimes takes a while to organise.
Marriage Preparation Courses are available, and details can be obtained from the priests.
There is a meeting for Engaged Couples in October each year in the Parish Centre to help couples who are preparing for marriage
Please note that an up-to-date copy of your Baptism Certificate, issued within the last six months, is a legal requirement for Marriage in a Catholic Church.

Holy Orders
Through Holy Orders, the church ordains deacons priests and bishops.
If you feel called to the diaconate or priestly life, see the Diocesan vocations website or contact one of the priests.

Funeral Guidelines
The guidelines, downloadable below, have been compiled to enable you to, at this difficult time, arrange the funeral of your loved one.